Fefdy Curriculum Shines at Madurai Preschool Welfare Association Event

Fefdy Curriculum proudly participated in the Madurai Preschool Welfare Association event, held on the 19th of June at Moksya Hotel, Madurai. The event saw an impressive gathering of 40 principals from various preschools in the region. Fefdy set up a dedicated stall and conducted a 30-minute briefing session to introduce and explain their innovative curriculum to the attendees.

During the briefing, the Fefdy team detailed the key features of their curriculum, emphasizing its focus on interactive learning, comprehensive subject coverage, and skill development. The principals were given insights into the various subjects covered by the curriculum, ranging from General Awareness, Mathematics, English Language for Kindergarten and Science, Social Studies, Computer Science, and regional languages. They highlighted how the curriculum caters to different educational levels, from Kindergarten to Primary education.

Fefdy’s teaching methodologies, such as blended learning, project-based learning, flipped classroom, and personalized learning, were discussed in depth. The team showcased the wide range of resources and tools available, including digital textbooks, online classes, assessment tools, and supplementary materials like videos and animations. They also elaborated on the support provided to teachers through teachers training programs and support networks, as well as the importance of parental involvement through regular updates and workshops.

The response from the principals was overwhelmingly positive. They were particularly impressed by the modern approach and engaging content of the Fefdy Curriculum, which makes learning both fun and effective. The principals appreciated the curriculum’s focus on holistic development, encompassing both academic excellence and extracurricular activities.

One of the highlights of the briefing was the explanation of how Fefdy partners with schools to implement the curriculum, tailoring it to meet the specific needs of different institutions. The principals were amazed by the continuous improvement process of the curriculum, ensuring it stays up-to-date with the latest educational trends and feedback from users.


The event concluded with many principals expressing keen interest in adopting the Fefdy Curriculum in their preschools. The positive feedback and interest generated at the Madurai Preschool Welfare Association event underscore Fefdy’s commitment to revolutionizing education in India and providing an enriching learning experience for students.